URG Secretariat

URG's secretariat is responsible for implementing the organisation’s programme of work, as set by the Board of Trustees. It is spread across four offices: Geneva, New York, Bogota and Nairobi. It strives for gender balance and is committed to providing opportunities to individuals from all UN regions.

URG Geneva

Executive Director

Marc Limon
Geneva, Switzerland

[email protected]

SENIOR Analyst

Louis Mason
Geneva, Switzerland

[email protected]

Junior analyst

Lola Sánchez
Geneva, Switzerland

[email protected]


Amalia Ordóñez
Geneva, Switzerland

[email protected]

Research fellow

Tejaswi Reddy Dokuru
Geneva, Switzerland

[email protected]


URG Bogotá

Head of Bogotá office, Analyst
Photo on 7-25-16 at 6.59 PM

Mariana Montoya
Bogotá, Colombia

[email protected]


URG Nairobi

Head of Nairobi office, Researcher

Joseph Burke
Nairobi, Kenya

[email protected]



Tom Bicko
Nairobi, Kenya

[email protected]