URG launches new UN Human Rights Resolutions Portal, now including GA Third Committee texts

by the URG team Prensa BORRAR, URG News BORRAR

One of the key missions of the Universal Rights Group (URG) is to improve the transparency and accessibility of the work of the Human Rights Council and the wider international human rights system. By providing a window onto the work and decisions of the human rights system, the URG hopes to contribute to better, more accountable and more efficient policymaking; to wider and deeper public interest in and understanding of the Council and its mechanisms; and to greater relevance, implementation and impact on the ground. 

With this in mind, over the past two years the URG has developed a number of important information tools, including: a portal providing data on State cooperation and dialogue (yourHRC.org); a Human Rights Council voting portal; a map of all UN human rights initiatives, resolutions and mechanisms; a pre-Council ‘Inside Track’ policy brief; regular analytical reports on Council sessionsand their results; and a Human Rights Council resolutions portal. 

Today, to further support transparency, public accountability and more efficient policymaking – in both Geneva and New York – the URG is pleased to launch a new, improved and expanded resolutions portal. The new portal includes, for the first time (and in addition to resolutions adopted by the Council), all resolutions adopted by the Third Committee of the General Assembly (since 2006). It is hoped this new data will allow for more ‘joined up’ policymaking between the Council and the General Assembly, and will also help identify overlaps and areas of duplication. 

Furthermore, the new portal is also more user-friendly, allowing users to search for UN human rights resolutions by institution, resolution name, topic, agenda item, session number, main sponsor, etc. The portal also provides at-a-glance information on the results of votes on the resolutions, and the programme budget implications (PBI) of texts. 

The launch of the new portal, with the inclusion of General Assembly texts, coincides with the launch of the Universal Rights Group’s new New York office. 

Start exploring the new portal


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