Sri Lanka
Regional group:Asia – Pacific Group (APG)
Council member:2006-2007
Voting patterns
Year | Month | Session number | Text type | Text number | Text title | Agenda item | Type | Topic | Main sponsors | Vote results |
2007 |
S-5 | Resolution | S-5/1 | Situation of human rights in Myanmar | n/a | Country - Situations | Myanmar | Portugal (EU) | Consensus |
2006 |
S-2 | Resolution | 2/4 | Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan | n/a | Country - Situations | Israeli settlements | Pakistan (OIC) | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Resolution | 2/5 | Effective implementation of international instruments on human rights | n/a | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Human Rights Instruments | Canada | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Resolution | S-2/1 | The grave situation of human rights in Lebanon caused by Israeli military operations | n/a | Country - Situations | Lebanon | Tunisia (Arab Group) |
In favour
2006 |
S-1 | Resolution | S-1/1 | Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory | n/a | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan (OIC) |
In favour
2006 |
S-2 | Decision | 2/108 | The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Health | Brazil | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/109 | Effects of economic reform policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of all human rights | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Foreign Debt | Cuba |
In favour
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/110 | Integrity of the judicial system | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Justice | Russian Federation | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/111 | Human rights and arbitrary deprivation of nationality | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Nationality | Russian Federation | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/112 | Persons deprived of liberty in the context of counter-terrorism measures | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Terrorism | Switzerland | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/113 | Cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Afghanistan | n/a | Country - Technical Support/Capacity Building | Afghanistan | Finland (EU) | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/114 | Cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Nepal | n/a | Country - Technical Support/Capacity Building | Nepal | Finland (EU), Switzerland | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/115 | Darfur | n/a | Country - Situations | Sudan | Algeria (African Group) |
In favour
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/116 | Postponement of consideration of draft proposals | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Procedural | HRC President | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Resolution | 2/2 | Human rights and extreme poverty | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Extreme Poverty | France | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Resolution | 2/3 | Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan | n/a | Country - Situations | Syrian Golan | Pakistan, (OIC) | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-3 | Resolution | 3/2 | Preparations for the Durban Review Conference | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Algeria (African Group) |
In favour
2006 |
HRC-3 | Resolution | 3/3 | Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Lebanon | n/a | Country - Situations | Lebanon | Pakistan (OIC) | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-3 | Resolution | 3/4 | Implementation of General Assembly resolution 60/251: agenda, annual programme of work, methods of work and rules of procedure of the Human Rights Council | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Human Rights Council | HRC President | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Resolution | 2/1 | Intergovernmental Working Group on the Review of Mandates | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Special Procedures | Algeria (African Group) |
In favour
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/101 | Situation of human rights in Kyrgyzstan | n/a | Country - Situations | Kyrgyzstan | [Private] | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/102 | Reports and studies of mechanisms and mandates | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Human Rights Council | HRC President | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/103 | Revised draft framework for a programme of work of the Human Rights Council for the first year | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Human Rights Council | HRC President | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/104 | Human rights and access to water | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Water | Germany, Spain | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/105 | Right to the truth | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Truth | Argentina | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/106 | Incompatibility between democracy and racism | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Brazil | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-2 | Decision | 2/107 | Access to medication in the context of pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Health | Brazil | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/6 | Strengthening of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | China (LMG), South Africa |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/7 | Rectification of the legal status of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | South Africa | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/8 | Follow-up to decision S-4/101 of 13 December 2006 adopted by the Human Rights Council at its fourth special session entitled “Situation of human rights in Darfur” | n/a | Country - Situations | Sudan | Algeria (African Group), Germany (EU) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/9 | Combating defamation of religions | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Freedom of Religion and Belief | Pakistan (OIC) |
In favour
2006 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | S-4/1 | The human rights situation in Darfur | n/a | Country - Situations | Darfur | Algeria (African Group) | Consensus |
2006 |
S-3 | Resolution | S-3/1 | Human rights violations emanating from Israeli military incursions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the recent one in northern Gaza and the assault on Beit Hanoun | n/a | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan (OIC) |
In favour
2006 |
S-3 | Resolution | 3/1 | Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory:follow-up to Human Rights Council resolution S-1/1 | n/a | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan (OIC) |
In favour
2006 |
HRC-3 | Decision | 3/101 | Postponement of the consideration of the draft decision on the rights of indigenous people | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Procedural | HRC President | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-3 | Decision | 3/102 | Regional cooperation for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Asian and Pacific region | n/a | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Cooperation | China | Consensus |
2006 |
HRC-3 | Decision | 3/103 | Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive follow-up to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Algeria (African Group) |
In favour
2006 |
HRC-3 | Decision | 3/104 | Conference facilities and financial support for the Human Rights Council | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Human Rights Council | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/10 | Elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief | n/a | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Freedom of Religion and Belief | Germany (EU) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Decision | 4/101 | Dates of the fifth session of the Human Rights Council | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Human Rights Council | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Decision | 4/103 | Human rights and unilateral coercive measures | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Unilateral Coercive Measures | Cuba (NAM) |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-4 | Decision | 4/104 | Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Cooperation | Cuba (NAM) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Decision | 4/105 | Postponement of consideration of draft proposals | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Procedural | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/2 | Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: follow-up to Human Rights Council resolutions S-1/1 and S-3/1 | n/a | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan (OIC) (Arab Group) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/3 | Intergovernmental Working Group on the Review of Mandates | n/a | Institutional/Procedural | Special Procedures | Algeria (African Group) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/4 | The right to development | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Development | Cuba (NAM) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/5 | Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Globalization | China, (LMG), South Africa |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/35 | Human Rights Council Group of Experts on the situation ofhuman rights in Darfur | 4 | Country - Situations | Sudan | Egypt (African Group), Portugal (EU) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/36 | Expert mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples | 5 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Indigenous Peoples | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/37 | Elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Freedom of Religion and Belief | Portugal (EU) |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Presidential Statement | PREST/6/2 | The twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Torture | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Presidential Statement | PRST/6/1 | Situation of human rights in Haiti | 10 | Country - Technical Support/Capacity Building | Haiti | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-4 | Resolution | 4/1 | Question of the realization in all countries of economic, social and cultural rights | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Portugal | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/25 | Regional cooperation for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Asia-Pacific Region | 10 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Regional Arrangements | Indonesia | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/26 | Elaboration of human rights voluntary goals to be launched on the occasion of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | 3 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Voluntary Goals | Brazil | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/27 | Adequate housing as a component of the right to anadequate standard of living | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Housing | Finland, Germany | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/29 | Right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Health | Brazil | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/30 | Integrating the human rights of women throughout the United Nations system | 8 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Women's rights | Chile | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/31 | Advisory services and technical assistance for Liberia | 10 | Country - Technical Support/Capacity Building | Liberia | Portugal (EU) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/32 | Mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on the human rights of internally displaced persons | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Internally Displaced Persons | Austria | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/33 | Follow-up to the report of the Special Rapporteur on thesituation of human rights in Myanmar | 4 | Country - Situations | Myanmar | Portugal (EU) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/34 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Sudan | 4 | Country - Situations | Sudan | Egypt (African Group) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/20 | Regional arrangements for the promotion and protectionof human rights | 8 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Regional Arrangements | Armenia, Belgium, Mexico, Senegal | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/21 | Elaboration of international complementary standards to theInternational Convention on the Elimination of All Formsof Racial Discrimination | 9 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Egypt (African Group) |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/22 | From rhetoric to reality: a global call for concrete action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance | 9 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Egypt, (African Group) |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/23 | Preparations for the Durban Review Conference | 9 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Egypt (African Group) |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/24 | World Programme for Human Rights Education | 10 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Education | Costa Rica | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/19 | Religious and cultural rights in the Occupied PalestinianTerritory, including East Jerusalem | 7 | Country - Situations | Freedom of Religion and Belief | Pakistan (OIC) (Arab Group) |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-6 | Decision | 6/104 | Prevention of genocide | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Genocide | Armenia | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Decision | 6/105 | Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Durban Review Conference | 9 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Decision | 6/106 | Alliance of Civilizations | 3 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Alliance of Civilisations | Turkey, Spain | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/11 | Protection of cultural heritage as an important component of the promotion and protection of cultural rights | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Cultural Rights | Armenia | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/12 | Human rights and indigenous peoples: mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rightsand fundamental freedoms of indigenous people | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Indigenous Peoples | Guatemala, Mexico | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/13 | The Social Forum | 5 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Social Forum | Cuba | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/14 | Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery | 5 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Slavery | United Kingdom | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/15 | Forum on minority issues | 5 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Minorities | Austria | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/16 | Informal meeting to discuss the most appropriate mechanismsto continue the work of the Working Group on IndigenousPopulations | 5 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Indigenous Peoples | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/17 | Establishment of funds for the universal periodic reviewmechanism of the Human Rights Council | 6 | Institutional/Procedural | Universal Periodic Review | Egypt (African Group) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/18 | Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory:follow-up to Human Rights Council resolutions S-1/1 and S-3/1 | 7 | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan (OIC) (Arab Group) | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/03 | Human rights and international solidarity | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | International Solidarity | Cuba |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/04 | Arbitrary detention | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Arbitrary Detention | France | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/05 | Advisory services and technical assistance for Burundi | 10 | Country - Technical Support/Capacity Building | Burundi | Burundi | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/06 | Promotion of the enjoyment of the cultural rights of everyone and respect for cultural diversity | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Cultural Rights | Cuba | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/07 | Human rights and unilateral coercive measures | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Unilateral Coercive Measures | Cuba (NAM) |
In favour
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/08 | Human rights and equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Water | Germany, Spain | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/09 | Development of public information activities in the field of human rights, including the World Public Information Campaign on Human Rights | 3 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Public Information | Italy | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/10 | United Nations declaration on human rights education and training | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Education | Morocco, Switzerland | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Decision | 6/101 | Working Group on Communications | 1 | Institutional/Procedural | Human Rights Council | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Decision | 6/102 | Follow-up to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 | 1 | Institutional/Procedural | Human Rights Council | HRC President | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Decision | 6/103 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation ofhuman rights in the Sudan | 4 | Country - Situations | Sudan | Egypt (African Group) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/31 | Situation of human rights in Myanmar | 4 | Country - Situations | Myanmar | Slovenia (EU) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/32 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rightsin Myanmar | 4 | Country - Situations | Myanmar | Slovenia (EU) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/33 | From rhetoric to reality: a global call for concrete action againstracism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance | 9 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Egypt (African Group) |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/34 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms ofracism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance | 9 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Racism | Egypt (African Group) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/35 | Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights | 10 | Country - Technical Support/Capacity Building | Somalia | Egypt (African Group) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/36 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Freedom of Opinion and Expression | Canada |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | S-6/1 | Human rights violations emanating from Israeli military attacks and incursions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip | n/a | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan |
In favour
2007 |
S-6 | Resolution | 6/01 | Protection of cultural rights and property in situations of armed conflict | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Cultural Rights | Azerbaijan | Consensus |
2007 |
HRC-6 | Resolution | 6/02 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Food | Cuba | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/21 | Mandate of the Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination | 3 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Mercenaries | Cuba |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/22 | Human rights and access to safe drinking water and sanitation | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Water | Germany, Spain | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/23 | Human rights and climate change | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Environment | the Maldives | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/24 | Elimination of violence against women | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Women's rights | Canada | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/25 | Prevention of genocide | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Genocide | Armenia | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/26 | International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Disappearances | France | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/27 | Human rights and extreme poverty | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Extreme Poverty | France | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/28 | Missing persons | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Disappearances | Azerbaijan | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/29 | Rights of the child | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Rights of the Child | Uruguay (GRULAC), Slovenia (EU) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/30 | Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan | 7 | Country - Situations | Syrian Golan | Pakistan (OIC), Palestine (Arab Group) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/10 | Human rights and arbitrary deprivation of nationality | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Nationality | Russian Federation | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/11 | The role of good governance in the promotion and protection of human rights | 3 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Governance | Poland |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/12 | Enforced or involuntary disappearances | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Disappearances | France | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/13 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Rights of the Child | Uruguay | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/14 | The right to food | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Food | Cuba | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/15 | Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republicof Korea | 4 | Country - Situations | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Japan, Slovenia (EU) |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/16 | Situation of human rights in the Sudan | 4 | Country - Situations | Sudan | Egypt (African Group), Slovenia (EU) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/17 | Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination | 7 | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan, Palestine (Arab Group) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/18 | Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, includingEast Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan | 7 | Country - Situations | Israeli settlements | Pakistan (OIC), Palestine (Arab Group) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/19 | Combating defamation of religions | 9 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Freedom of Religion and Belief | Pakistan (OIC) |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/20 | Technical cooperation and advisory services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | 10 | Country - Technical Support/Capacity Building | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Egypt (African Group) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | S-7/1 | The negative impact on the realization of the right to food of the worsening of the world food crisis, caused inter alia by the soaring food prices | n/a | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Food | Cuba | Consensus |
2008 |
S-7 | Resolution | 7/01 | Human rights violations emanating from Israeli military attacks and incursions in the Occupied Palestinian territory, particularly the recent ones in the occupied Gaza Strip | 7 | Country - Situations | Palestine | Pakistan (OIC), Palestine (Arab Group) |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/02 | Composition of the staff of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights | 2 | Thematic - Cross-Cutting/Other | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | Cuba |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/03 | Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Cooperation | Cuba (NAM) | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/04 | Mandate of the independent expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Foreign Debt | Cuba |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/05 | Mandate of the independent expert on human rights and international solidarity | 3 | Thematic - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | International Solidarity | Cuba |
In favour
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/06 | Mandate of the independent expert on minority issues | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Minorities | Austria | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/07 | Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism | 3 | Thematic - Civil and Political Rights | Terrorism | Mexico | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/08 | Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Human Rights Defenders | Norway | Consensus |
2008 |
HRC-7 | Resolution | 7/09 | Human rights of persons with disabilities | 3 | Thematic - Groups in Focus | Persons with Disabilities | Mexico, New Zealand | Consensus |