Julieth Serrano

URG Secretariat

Julieth Serrano
Communications and engagement officer

Bogotá, Colombia

Julieth Serrano is a Communications and Engagement Officer at the Universal Rights Group in Bogotá. She currently works on projects related to the situation of environmental human rights defenders, providing targeted support for the Alliance for Land, Indigenous and Environmental Defenders, ALLIED, where URG assumes a coordinating role.

Julieth worked as a Public Communications Professional for the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Sustaining Peace in Colombia, at the UN Resident Coordinator Office, supporting the implementation of the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement. She also previously interned for the Organization of American States (OAS) Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia, when the Peace Agreement was under negotiation in Havana, Cuba.

As a member of The MIT Bitcoin Club Leadership Team, a student-run organization focused on raising awareness about blockchain and cryptocurrency, Julieth has contributed to shaping the MIT Bitcoin Expo's communications plan, house style, and visual identity across multiple editions, including 2021: The New Normal, 2022: Breaking Through, and 2023: Building Blocks.

Julieth holds a Public Communications Bachelor’s Degree from UNAB / Universitat Rovira i Virgili where she was Ibero-America scholar from Santander Bank and Fundación Carolina.