Oslo+4 meeting of international development partners
On 6-7 May 2024, the European Commission’s HRBA expert group, with the support of the Belgium Presidency and Universal Rights Group, will convene the Oslo+4 meeting at the British Residence (17, rue Ducale/Hertogsstraat).
In addition to continuing to provide a space for bilateral and multilateral development technical experts to share good practices in evolving human rights-based approaches (HRBA), the latest Oslo+ meeting will seek to add a new dimension, namely:
How to mobilise the UN human rights mechanisms (i.e., the Special Procedures, the Treaty Bodies, and the Universal Periodic Review), in concert with bilateral and multilateral development partners, to contribute to helping States reduce inequalities, especially by strengthening the fulfilment of their economic, social and cultural rights obligations, and their (interconnected and mutually-reinforcing) commitments under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially SDG10, in order to tackle inequalities as well as enhance diversity in all its forms.
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