May 28
Past event
Human Rights Council inter-sessional retreat
The Universal Rights Group together with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie hosted on 28 May 2015 a Human Rights Council Inter-sessional retreat in Geneva. The aim of the meeting was to provide an informal platform for countries to share information and perspectives on key issues and debates from both previous and the forthcoming Council sessions thereby making better use of these inter-sessional periods. This would in turn,
- Allow for the strengthening of key diplomatic relationships at the multilateral level.
- Allow for difficult or potentially contention issues to be discussed and addressed at an early stage.
- Strengthen consensual and cooperative approaches to the Council’s work.
- Improve information flows and strengthen the capacities of key delegations – especially smaller delegations.
- Allow for better preparation for Council sessions.
- Support the positive evolution of the Council and its mechanisms with the aim of ensuring that its output has a real impact on the ground.
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