UN Development System reforms: an update

by URG-NYC Team Agenda 2030, Blog BORRAR, Blog BORRAR, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, New York City BORRAR, Universal Rights Group NYC BORRAR

On 31 May 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 72/279 , accepting measures for change along the lines of the Secretary General’s recommendations and setting in motion one of the most comprehensive reforms of the UN Development System (UNDS) to date. This post provides an update on these reforms and is the first in a series of blogs produced …

High Commissioner speaks to the Security Council on human rights in Haiti

by Danica Damplo, Universal Rights Group NYC Blog BORRAR, Blog BORRAR, New York City BORRAR, Universal Rights Group NYC BORRAR

On April 3rd the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, addressed the Security Council on the “Human Rights Situation in Haiti.”  She marked the progress made so far on human rights, highlighted areas of persistent violations, and advised on how the Security Council can strengthen the rule of law, development, and peace during the proposed transition of UN operations in …

How to operationalize the Council’s prevention mandate, and where does it fit within the Secretary-General’s UN ‘prevention agenda’?

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group Blog BORRAR, Blog BORRAR, Prevention, Prevention, accountability and justice BORRAR

The following blog is based on a presentation given by Marc Limon, URG Executive Director, during the final panel discussion of the 9-10 April Council inter-sessional meeting, held at the Palais des Nations (UN) pursuant to Council resolution 38/18. The Human Rights Council (Council) this week convened a first inter-sessional seminar on how to operationalize its prevention mandate, as set forth …

El surgimiento y crecimiento de los mecanismos nacionales para la implementación, el reportaje y el seguimiento

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and Ellis Paterson, Research Assistant, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law Human rights implementation and impact, Más allá del Consejo BORRAR

Uno de los desarrollos más prometedores y sin embargo menos estudiados y menos entendidos en cuanto al “proyecto” de derechos humanos universales (como lo nombró Sir Nigel Rodley), el cual ha venido emergiendo y desarrollándose lentamente en los últimos tres o cuatro años, es el que se denomina como “mecanismos nacionales de presentaciones de informes y de seguimiento”(NMIRFs). Estas instituciones, …

The emergence and coming of age of National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting and Follow-up

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and Ellis Paterson, Research Assistant, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law Beyond the Council BORRAR, Beyond the Council BORRAR, Blog BORRAR, Blog BORRAR, Human rights implementation and impact, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Implementation BORRAR, In focus: domestic implementation of universal norms BORRAR, SDGs borrar

One of the most promising yet least-studied and least-understood developments for the universal human rights ‘project’ (as Sir Nigel Rodley coined it) is the emergence and early development over the past three or four years of so-called ‘national mechanisms for implementation, reporting and follow-up’ (NMIRFs). These standing bodies, which usually enjoy high-level political backing, are responsible for coordinating the implementation, …

Report on the 40th session of the Human Rights Council

by the URG team Human Rights Council reports, Regular session

Quick summary The 40th regular session of the Human Rights Council ( HRC40) was held from Monday 25 February to Friday 22 March 2019. As it is the main annual session of the Council, HRC40 began with a High-Level Segment (HLS). The 2019 HLS included speeches by 97 State and other dignitaries, including: H.E. Béji Caïd Essebi, President of Tunisia; H.E. …

The Gender Parity Strategy and UN reforms

by Jane Murray Gender equality, New York City BORRAR, Thematic human rights issues, Universal Rights Group NYC BORRAR

The United Nations System-wide Gender Parity Strategy sets targets for equal representation of men and women in the United Nations, and also advises on recruitment and retention practices. All secretariat units have developed their own implementation plans for the strategy, setting objectives for themselves to achieve parity at all levels. This strategy is being implemented alongside wider UN reforms that deal with the UN’s management system, and reconstituting …

What are the human rights priorities of world governments in 2019?

by the URG team Blog BORRAR, Blog BORRAR

An independent analysis of the High-Level Segment of the Human Rights Council At the opening of the 40th session of the Human Rights Council , (Council) one hundred world leaders, including presidents, prime ministers, ministers, and heads of international organisations, delivered high level speeches commenting on the state of global human rights in 2019. They presented both their own countries’ recent developments and achievements as well as their priorities for …

The human rights implications of the new UN Resident Coordinator system

by Rodrigo Saad, former Universal Rights Group - NYC Blog BORRAR, Blog BORRAR, Human rights implementation and impact, Human rights institutions and mechanisms BORRAR, Implementation BORRAR, In focus: domestic implementation of universal norms BORRAR, Universal Rights Group NYC BORRAR

In 2017, Secretary General António Guterres unveiled extensive plans to reform the United Nations Development System (UNDS). His proposal, which coincides with parallel measures to restructure the UN’s peace and security architecture and revise its management paradigm, is part of a broader agenda to make prevention a cross-pillar priority. More specifically, the repositioning of the UNDS seeks to foster an …

High Commissioner discusses human rights, justice, and prevention at the Security Council

by Danica Damplo, Universal Rights Group NYC Accountability, Justice, Prevention, Prevention, accountability and justice BORRAR, Uncategorized @nyc BORRAR, Universal Rights Group NYC BORRAR

On March 11th, at UN headquarters in New York City, High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet gave her first address to the Security Council in her capacity as High Commissioner for Human Rights. She spoke at an Arria-Formula meeting, on the topic of “human rights, accountability, and justice: contributions to international peace and security” (watch it here ). The High Commissioner briefed the Security …